Algonquin Backcountry Recreationalists

ABR Meets With Board Chairs To Discuss "Lightening the Footprint of Logging" . . . October 31, 2008   ...   ABR News Item

On Wednesday October 29th, four members of the ABR Executive Committee met with the Chairs of the Ontario Parks Board of Directors and the Algonquin Forestry Authority Board of Directors, along with other stakeholder representatives, and presented their position concerning "Lightening the Footprint of Logging in Algonquin Provincial Park".

The ARB's position was read to the chairmen from ... Position of the Algonquin Backcountry Recreationalists Concerning Recommendations of the Ontario Parks Board ... Lightening The Ecological Footprint of Logging in Algonquin Park

Subsequently, within 24 hours of discussions at that meeting, the ABR acquired additional documentation detailing the AFA's original divergent position on the issues. This is extra to the details that were contained in the previous News006.htm. The additional information is indicated below in bold red text, within the sequence of background information.


Ministry of Natural Resources released the discussion paper ...
It's In Our Nature .. A Shared Vision for Parks and Protected Areas Legislation (1.5 mb PDF)

For the above protected areas legislation review, the Ontario Parks Board of Directors (public advisory committee) was required to ...
- review the legislative proposals;
- review input received through consultation;
- meet with stakeholders upon request;
- and provide written recommendations to the Minister of Natural Resources.

2005 (April)

The Ontario Parks Board of Directors released its recommendations ...
Fulfilling The Promise .. Recommendations of the Ontario Parks Board Re: "It's In Our Nature" (884 kb PDF)

The Board made a specific recommendation that the Minister of Natural Resources should commission an independent review of Algonquin Provincial Park including the park's role in the protected areas network, the management and goals of the park, and the park's legislative and governance framework. They also recommended the review be initiated within one year. in light of pressures on the park.

2005 (April)

The Minister of Natural Resources asked the Ontario Parks Board of Directors to provide advice on how to lighten the ecological footprint of logging in Algonquin Provincial Park (Algonquin). The Board accepted the assignment and began gathering input, advice and technical support from the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the Algonquin Forestry Authority (AFA).

2005 (October 25)

The proposed parks and protected areas legislation - Bill 11: The Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act - was introduced in the Ontario Legislature for First Reading. When introducing the Bill the Minister stated that the Ontario Parks Board of Directors was going to provide advice about how to lighten the footprint of logging in Algonquin.

2006 (January 11)

The Ontario Parks Board of Directors Chair and other members met with the Minister and MNR's Deputy Minister. The Board's provisional concept for lightening the footprint was presented. At this meeting the Minister expressed interest in the provisional concept and requested that the Board develop the concept more fully. It was agreed that further development should include an analysis wood supply impacts and discussions with MNR and the AFA about how to mitigate any potential impacts on wood supply.

2006 (September & October)

Support documentation provided to the Ontario Parks Board of Directors .. by Ontario Parks, South Planning Unit and KBM Forestry Consultants.

Assessment of final Algonquin Park zoning changes proposed by the Ontario Parks Board of Directors: Ecological considerations (3.4 mb PDF)

Assessment of final Algonquin Park zoning changes proposed by the Ontario Parks Board of Directors: Wilderness recreation, Tourism and Cultural Heritage Values (52 KB PDF)

Wood Supply Analysis of Zoning Changes Proposed by the Ontario Parks Board of Directors' Algonquin Park Subcommittee (640 kb PDF)

Algonquin Park Forest Wood Supply Analysis Evaluation (282 kb PDF)

2006 (October 27)

The Ontario Parks Board of Directors presented its Preliminary Proposals to the Minister of the MNR. The Minister asked the Board to work with MNR and the AFA to develop final recommendations.

2006 (December 8)

The AFA and OPB had failed to agree on final recommendations.

The Ontario Parks Board of Directors' report and recommendations were presented to the Minister of Natural Resources without AFA endorsement and was entitled: Recommendations of the Ontario Parks Board - Lightening The Ecological Footprint of Logging in Algonquin Provincial Park (4 mb PDF).

2006 (December 14 - 20)

The AFA submitted its own recommendations in a series of communications to the Ministry of Natural Resources. This was subsequently made public as the result of a Freedom of Information Request, and is contained here, within the PDF file AFACommentOnParksBoardReport.pdf (1.8 mb PDF).

2007 (May 2)

The Ontario Parks Board of Directors' combined report and recommendations were released to the public on May 2nd, 2007 and was entitled: Recommendations of the Ontario Parks Board - Lightening The Ecological Footprint of Logging in Algonquin Provincial Park (4 mb PDF).

That release was subsequently followed by the very detailed original version of the Board Recommended Zoning By Component (18.2 mb PDF) map file.

2008 (February)

The Minister of Natural Resources asked the Ontario Parks Board of Directors and the Algonquin Forestry Authority Board of Directors to prepare joint recommendations for lightening the ecological footprint of logging in Algonquin Park for her consideration.

2008 (March 31)

The ABR Executive Committee sent a letter of support for specific components of the Recommendations of the Ontario Parks Board - Lightening the Ecological Footprint of Logging in Algonquin, to the Minister of Natural Resources.

2008 (May 8)

The ABR Executive Committee received a letter from Donna Cansfield (Minister of Natural Resources) in response to the its letter of support for the Recommendations of the Ontario Parks Board - Lightening the Ecological Footprint of Logging in Algonquin.

2008 (October 16)

The ABR Executive Committee was invited to meet with the Chairs of the Ontario Parks Board of Directors and the Algonquin Forestry Authority Board of Directors to discuss "Lightening the Footprint", during the week of October 29th.
